Early in the morning we continued on the GTA in the direction of Alpe Baranca. The weather was again quite excellent and hardly a cloud was visible. First it went from Rimella the road down the mountain and then through a forest to the river that had to be crossed. Then it went an old path up the mountain on the opposite side again. A lonely village on the mountainside was actually still inhabited, although one had to wonder how people got there. We continued up towards the settlement on the meadow that could be seen from Rimella and before that even further up. Again we went through a lonely village past a refugio. The old village was only accessible via a path and a material railroad but the refugio actually had air conditioning. Then it went over the ridge on the other side down the mountain again. At a lonely church I stopped for lunch, where there was again noodle soup and the sandwiches from Rimella from the morning. Then it went through the blazing midday sun still down to the river and then laboriously up the road to the last village of the valley. The sun burned relentlessly and everything was again laborious after lunch. Even more laborious it finally became the steep track, the valley further uphill. At the beginning, the path was actually excellent and newly made and later still very well built as an old mule track. At some point I finally reached the late afternoon Alpe Baranca at about 1600m altitude where I was the only guest. I got tea and could choose a place to sleep at the top. Before I showered extensively, although the shower was very small. That could have been designed a bit better.