?? 2017 Western Australia – Emu On The Roadside At The North West Cape Near Exmouth
It can happen that you meet one of these guys in Western Australia on the road. For various reasons it is better not to run over these animals.
travel destinations around the world
Because of my more or less regular stays in Sydney we decided this year to spend our annual vacation in Australia. The plan was that M. would first come to Sydney and then we would fly to Western Australia, rent a car there and then get some equipment from a friend and finally go somewhere. Until the evening before the trip we really didn’t know where we were going. I had already arrived in Sydney two days before with Air China and M. arrived on Sunday with Emirates. My flight was really cheap and quite empty. At M. the flight was full and expensive. All in all we completed two times Sydney and in between Western Australia with 6100 km in the car. The route there went from Perth to Coogee, Rottnest, then north, Shark Bay, Coral Bay, Karijini National Park and via Newman back to Meekatarra and Kalgoorlie. While Sydney is almost always very relaxed by the climate, Western Australia was riddled with adversities. But that’s what it’s all about.
It can happen that you meet one of these guys in Western Australia on the road. For various reasons it is better not to run over these animals.